Wallabies (invite only 4-5 yr old girls)

Our Wallabies girls class is an invite only skill-based class for 4-5 yr old gymnasts. The Wallabies have mastered all the skills in the Wallaroos class and are ready to work on more advanced skills. This class will have rotating events every week. They will cover floor, beam, bars, vault and trampoline. This class is designed to enhance your child's strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, motor skills, self esteem, independence and so much more! They will learn to backward roll on the floor, cartwheel without a mat, handstand in the correct form, bridge kick over, walk on the "big beams", pull over on bars, jumps and flips onto our resi mats for vault and advanced jumps and combinations on trampoline. Classes run for 75 minutes for $88.00 per month (one day per week)
Sibling Discount-$5.00 off each sibling after the first.
Multi-Day Discount-$12.00 off second class per week of the same class
Please register on our parent portal then contact the front desk to enroll in the class..
Skills needed to be placed in a Wallabies class:
*forward roll on the floor without mat and with correct form
*Backward roll with a mat
*Cartwheel concept
*Donkey kick/ Handstand concept
*Strong bridge on their own
*Comfortably walking on the "big beams" alone
*Pull up/leg lifts on bars
*One foot to two feet jumping concept for vault
*Straight jump, tuck jump, straddle jump, pike jump, and seat drops on trampoline